Classic «Titan»Tiled fireplace «Tenderness»House heartBirch forestClassic FireplaceClassicClassic marble fireplace in a luxurious country house
«Fireplace in high-tech style» nomination
Warm high-techThe four elementsFireplace «25»Origami fireplaceEgg FireplaceFireplace TVTrapezium of heatThe molten metalHanging fireplace in high-tech styleCozy eveningDialogue with pacification
Glased tile fireplace with panels «Firebird»Semicircular furnace with tilesCossack dwellingFamily warmth centerHunting Fireplace
«Fireplaces and stoves in the interior» nomination
Copper fireplace handmadeFireplace «Arbutus»Fireplace as an energy center at homeLoft-fireplace in the interior of a log houseThe heart of the house or the story of one fireplaceInsular steel fireplaceMore than a hearthTiled fireplace «Tenderness»Oak GroveOld CastleCenter of attractionFireplace in a country house in NakhabinoFireplace in the country houseNew avant-gardeFireplace in the countryside in the village «Birches»Hunter's NostalgiaHouse for fireDream fireplacePurity of linesThe project of two tile fireplaces in the recreation area of the bath complexCorner fireplace in the project «Villa N»The fireplace is based on the works of the director Emir KusturicaThe project of the fireplace «Two sides of the fire»
«Outdoor fireplaces» nomination
Fire flower
«Electric fireplaces in the interior» nomination
Would you like to have a sit to rest?!Aurum & Black JackFireplace in the office of the head of the construction companyFireplace in the representative office of the head of the oil companyVisiting William MorrisOld hearthDynamics and laconicism
«BBQ area and grills» nomination
Barbecue on the territory of a private houseDecorative zone of grill handmade from copperDecorative grill zone in the apartmentKitay-gorodUglichOrenburgBarbecue BBQ-1Warm eveningCozy hearthAristocratWesternFamily hearth