Fireplace with Irish decorFireplace «Knights»Fireplace «Morning»Fireplace «Flower Symphony»Antique classicsMiminoFireplace in style of the English gothicOn OchakovskayaFireplace in an apartment on Malaya GruzinskayaFireplace Razdory
«Fireplace in high-tech style» nomination
UniqueFireplace on the Pirogov Reservoir: on the first floorFireplace on the Pirogov reservoir: on the minus first floor
«Fireplace in rustic style» nomination
Fireplace with Irish decorFireplace «Nature»Fireplace in the Аir Сastle
«Glazed tile stoves and fireplaces» nomination
House that breathesFurnace «Fairy Tale»Furnace «Russian azure»Fireplace «Markaba»Fireplace «Manor»Tile fireplace in Veshki
«Fireplaces and stoves in the interior» nomination
House that breathesApartment in MarinoThe country house in the Rostov regionOven-fireplace «Irises»The interior of the house «Mrs. Valentina»Art Deco Home InteriorWarmth and harmony in the residential complex «Country Quarter»Unusual stove in neokantri styleApartment in MoscowCountry house in the village IlinskyFire and volcanic lava
«BBQ area» nomination
«Strawberry Glade»«Inner Light»Barbecue for the house «Sun & Breeze»Recreation and reception area of guestsBar Zhar in the Аir СastleUspensky forest
«Fireplaces and stoves in the steampunk's style» nomination
Oven complex in the steampunk styleSteampunk fireplaceNemo furnace complexThe interior of the house «Sun & Breeze»
«3D projects. Classic fireplace» nomination
American countryAtlantesNeoclassicNoble neoclassicEastern classicsLuxuryHearthstoneHouse in the village «Forest»
«3D projects. Fireplace in high-tech style» nomination
BrutalDuetLightGlass, metal and fireHouse in the rocks near BagovskoyPervostihiyaLive fire
«3D projects. Fireplace in rustic style» nomination
Waiting for the holiday
«3D projects. Fireplaces and stoves in the interior» nomination
Apartment in MarinoLavender fogFireplace room in a country houseProject of a fireplace room in a country houseDuetThe interior for the private house «En el Sur»LightKineshmaGlass, metal and fireModern house in the suburbsIce and flameHarmony of stylesHouse in the rocks near BagovskoyVillage in the cityHouse in the village «Forest»